Tuesday, September 29, 2009

If I have nothing to say..

     That doesn't mean I'm depressed, angry, nervous, or anything else you're going to try to come up with. Granted it could, but I'm not typical. I'm not like you.

     If I'm not talking, it's because if I did, the only things that would come out of my mouth would be unintelligent and useless to you. I rarely see a point in chattering for the sake of nothing. Weakness triggers an awkward feeling if you cannot be with someone without conversation, and be okay with it.

     Another reason for my lack of words- I'm probably thinking about something deeper than shopping at Target. However, thoughts don't equal sadness, they equal revelations.

     So there, that's what I have to say.


Anonymous said...

You are totally right. But you and I are very much alike in many ways. I also just don't have anything to say, everyone has those times. But, I do find myself talking to myself and just about "anything" that is around me at the time I feel like just speaking outloud. Does that make me depessed or crazy? Not at all, sometimes it is better to say what you are thinking or feeling to a none human. You have the right idea, and neither you or I are nuts!!!!

Alexis Voltaire said...

Anonymous 8:25AM- I do the same thing, just talking sometimes no no one, or thing in particular. :)

Alex said...

stopping by from SITS!

Anonymous said...

I completely agree. I can't stand people who talk just to fill up the silence. It's so fake and annoying.

Alexis Voltaire said...

Thanks for reading Alexandria & Alice! Glad you could relate Alice :)

xRockGoddessx said...

I know what you mean. Some days I just don't feel like talking and then all my friends gather around me and want to know "what's wrong." (Although it's worse when acquaintances and strangers do it.)

I tell them nothing's wrong and they don't believe me. It's true a lot of the time I talk. It's true that I'm kinda bubbly and over-the-top and talk much and often sometimes.

But I also have times when I just don't feel like being really extroverted and social. It wouldn't piss me off so much if they asked "why aren't you talking" or something like that instead of automatically assuming something is wrong.

Besides, if something is wrong, them asking isn't going to make me tell them. If I'm going to tell them it's wrong, I'll tell them, whether or not they ask.

Alexis Voltaire said...

I agree xRockGoddessx, I would much rather hear "why aren't you talking" too, or an even positive way of figuring out my emotions like "are you okay", instead of "what's wrong".