Wednesday, August 26, 2009

So today while walking my dog..

I was pretty pissed off and completely stressed out, and considered letting him shit in this guy's yard in my neighborhood that has in the past completely ruined my life. (You know what I'm talking about so don't be stupid.) In my semi-rage, I imagined letting him do so, and the guy complaining to me about it after finding out. I thought about how ridiculous it would be for him to do this over something so stupid considering the horrible things he's done to me, although I wouldn't be surprised. It would be completely in character for someone of his nature. Anyway, In a quick train of unreasonable thought I decided [that if he did this] I would counter his harassment by personally eat the shit off of his lawn, vomiting it back up onto his precious lawn, and seeing if he would complain about it then. My guess would be a no.

As disgusting as this metaphor is, it does stand for something: some shit just doesn't matter. It's not worth ruining other people's lives over.

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