Sunday, August 30, 2009

MyLifeisG(reat).com, aNOTHER website like FML

"Today, four years from now, I am going to marry the best man in the entire world. We have to be apart for the next three years because of our careers, but knowing that we will be together again and that we will one day be married makes it all worthwhile. I love you honey! Because of you, MLIG!"

     I just read this on a(nother) website with the same concept as FML, but it's about positive things, hence the name "My Life Is Great". However, when I read this MLIG, all I could think about was how not great this sounded. The way it's worded it sounds like they will be apart for three years, spend a year together after the "career madness", and then get married. Perhaps I am just bitter and have lost all hope for being able to bear uncontrollable difficulties in relationships, but I foresee this couple reuniting after three years and being completely different people than before the separation. Unfortunately, ending in not getting married after all, and having (in my opinion) wasted three years of their lives in a long distance relationship.

     I'll be honest, I've been in a long distance relationship. (At first, I put 'tried a long distance relationship', but despite our differences I believe this individual deserves more respect than being demoted to a verb thrown around so casually as "I tried that soup and didn't like it.") I should have believed the people around me that told me it wouldn't work, that it was a bad idea. At first, it was a welcomed comfort to have someone there for me-I had just gotten out of a bad relationship, I was cheated on-even though he was states away, but later on it's something I could have lived without. I don't regret it, but it's not something I'd repeat if given a second chance.

     Don't get me wrong, I loved this person, but in the end, was it really worth it? I learned the lessons I left the relationship with months before it was over, therefore it could have ended way earlier without so many of the consequences that taught me nothing. I guess though in a sense it sort of did, I'm realizing that now as I write this. Next time around I won't let it drag out like that. Truthfully, letting serious relationships last longer than they should is a bad habit of mine, but I think I did better with this last one.

     Before I end this, here is another MLIG that relates to this same topic. I feel sorry for these people with so much hope for their early relationships, knowing they more than likely won't last forever. I'm just a realist.

"Last night, my boyfriend and I were talking on the phone. He spent two hours just telling me how amazing I am, how I am the best thing that's ever happened to him, how he wouldnt trade me for anything in the world, and how I am his guardian angel. He told me he's never been happier in his life and his biggest fear is me leaving him. He promised he will always feel this way and he said he knows it will never change. He finished with, "I know we are young and people will say we have our whole lives ahead of us to explore our options, but I don't need to. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you." I love you, too, Jacob. MLIG."

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