Monday, April 19, 2010

Monday’s Excerpts – Beyond Good and Evil by Friedrich Nietzsche

     At the precipice of breaking my solace was Nietzsche, how deeply the philosophy has become a piece of my mind is paramount to anything I’ve been enlightened by before. I am inspired by the trusted influential, and this I trust.

This Weeks Book: Beyond Good and Evil by Friedrich Nietzsche

Part Two: The Free Spirit. Section 26.
Every superior human being will instinctively aspire after a secret citadel where he is set free from the crowd, the many, the majority, where, as its exception, he may forget the rule ‘man’ – except in the one case in which, as a man of knowledge in the great and exceptional sense, he will be impelled by an even stronger instinct to make straight for this rule. . . . (Page 57)

Part Two: The Free Spirit. Section 29.
Few are made for independence – it is a privilege of the strong. And he who attempts it, having the completest right to it but without being compelled to, thereby proves that he is probably not only strong but also daring to the point of recklessness. He ventures into a labyrinth, he multiplies by a thousand the dangers which life as such already brings with it, not the smallest of which is that no one can behold how and where he goes astray, is cut off from others, and is torn to pieces limb from limb by some cave-minotaur of conscience. If such a one is destroyed, it takes places so far from the understanding of men that they neither feel it nor sympathize – and he can no longer go back! He can no longer go back even to the pity of men! – (Pages 60-61)

Part Nine- What is Noble?. Section 272.
Signs of nobility: never to think of degrading our duties into duties for everybody; not to want to relinquish or share our own responsibilities; to count our privileges and the exercising of them among our duties. (Page 210)

Books finished this past week...
★★★☆☆ Island by Aldous Huxley
★★☆☆☆ Chelsea Chelsea Bang Bang by Chelsea Handler
★★★☆☆ Brave New World Revisited by Aldous Huxley
★★★☆☆ Girl Coming In for a Landing by April Halprin Wayland
★☆☆☆☆ After the Death of Anna Gonzales by Terri Fields
(All title links link back to my webpages of them on, a great library/reviewing/rating website for readers. Check it out, and add me as a friend if you decide to join!)

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