Saturday, April 24, 2010

Another Black Hole

     I’d like to think I’ve decided against something for the best of all possible worlds, then I’m not so sure. I won’t consider this the rest of my life unless the importance is paramount to the mountain I’ve already shoveled out of this hole I’ve dug myself into.
     What a terrible world we socialites live in, what a horrible excruciatingly painful world we socialize in. How joyous it is to be as bright as the sun capable of fighting the gravity of everything.

     Eventually I’ll give up and die without a surrendering key note or a waving white flag. It’ll be red flags and a long night, I can tell. I’ve got a big plan with my mind set, it’s just that who knows when I’ll actually give it some kinetic motion for a goal truly undesired.
     Sometimes we have to do what we must to protect ourselves before we think we must start preserving what little we’ve left uncorrupted, there’s really no one here to save ourselves. I’m sick of being the savior when it used to be all I ever dreamt. I’m not going to save you even if you let me, save your fucking self. … Self preservation—you’ve already welcomed the bomb.

     At the end of the supernova I care more about myself than any one or thing; majority is always right, am I right? I am a selfish, selfish girl proud to be the last one standing on this event horizon someday.


Unknown said...

Well said, and I am again in total agreement with you. Keep pushing, you will get where you want. We have to save ourselves, no one else will in the end!

Alexis Voltaire said...

@ kissafrog69: Glad you could relate.