Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I miss...

I miss being forced to lie down on a mat to take a nap, but being too excited and alive to ever be able to fall asleep. I miss finger painting being a grade. I miss making creative snacks for snack time, like green eggs and ham that were actually green, and celery stick with peanut butter and raisins on them so they resembled ants on a log. I miss being able to hit mean boys in the head with a fallen palm tree branch and getting away with it unpunished. I miss riding hours for hours on end in the afternoon. I miss kids bringing in cupcakes for the class because they were lucky enough to have birthdays during the school year. I miss picking out a box of Valentine's Day cards, folding them all up, and passing them out to people to be placed in our self-made and decorated heart-shaped envelopes. I miss rolling around in the dirt. Did I mention I miss naps? I'd definitely take them now, in fact I'd take one right now instead of writing this if I could. Gosh, I miss kindergarten.


Jules AF said...

You read a blog written by a bunch of immature males, so I wouldn't think you'd have such a big problem with people acting immature.

Unknown said...

Yes, it was fun! I loved having you in my class, but did not like having to be firm on you. You were and still are very special to me. It is nice to think back at those times. We had a lot of good times back then. Do you remember the song that always came on the radio when I would pick you up? And how we would talk to the stop light to make it change. You were my saving grace back then. You were always there for me after Pepa Tank passed away, and I love you even more for that. Thank you for being you! Love ya girl!!!!

Alexis Voltaire said...

@ kissafrog69: I don't really remember you being firm, I actually cannot recall one instance. I remember Mrs. (Ms.?) Kelly being mean sometimes though, haha.
I do remember the song! I don't hear it very often anymore, but when I do I am instantly reminded of the car rides and talking to the stop lights. Those were some very good times. Like I was to you, although unbeknownst to me, you were my saving grace from my household. (Besides Stephanie, of course.)