Thursday, March 4, 2010


(Will be formatted tomorrow into part of the "Here is My Real Head" series.)

     I hate everything about crying. Feeling hot and cold simultaneously, the pulsating headache, the gasping for every painful breath trapped inside my throat; everything is begging to break free, erupting only because I never learned a gradual release.

     I’m terrified of people hearing me cry. I don’t want people to know I’m weak, though more importantly, I don’t want people to know why I’m weak in the moment I am. Discussing the reasons later is nonchalant, but elaborating on my emotions as they course through my veins and pump my brain with irrationalities—that’s a child’s Hell House.
     I don’t want to do it alone, but I don’t want to be a burden on anyone. I don’t want to be laughed at or ridiculed, and I don’t want to be abandoned. I don’t want anyone getting the misconception I’m so weakened by my own problems that they cannot approach me with theirs.

     To this day, when I allow myself to completely sob, I feel immense amounts of guilt, shame, and embarrassment. Nothing embarrasses me more than someone hearing me cry, or knowing of my lack of self control as it occurs. I still feel as if I should cover my mouth with a rag, despite being nearly an adult.
     When I cry, I feel ugly, the ugliest I ever feel. I am worthless, unproductive, and weak by something I allow to affect me. My current number one wish is to better handle how exposed and unreal I’ve felt recently.

     I am not handling with care.


Unknown said...

Crying is part of what makes us human. It is not shameful to cry! Everyone has cried sometime in their life. It is natural or we would not have that ability. I am one you can cry to and I will cry right along with you, I do it often. Never be ashamed that you feel you have to cry or that you have.

Alexis Voltaire said...

@ Claudia: I know, sometimes it is hard to help.