Thursday, May 6, 2010

10 of Spade

     The hurt I’m experiencing right now is such an absurd type of hurt. It’s an oddity, a rarity—it’s what we always were except now it’s buried in our demise, the trigger you pulled to initiate “us” into becoming the “used.” There’s no room for regret because you jumped before the worms were even born, and how could you? I don’t blame you for my agony and I cannot even really blame you for this, but I can’t help but ask the hollow question of: How. Could. You. Do. It?

     You’re either the strongest person I’ve ever met, rendering you even more so into my flawlessly flawed ideal of the Übermensch, or I’m not the subject of much heartbreak for you. In the end, my value has gone up. You skyrocketed me to the top, and it might be unfortunate for you because I always wanted to take you with me.

You drained my heart 
And made a spade 
But theres still traces of me 
In yours veins.


Unknown said...

From experience, it seems that the ones that do the unexpected by hurting you, will always be in the mind to make you stronger. Those times never leave you and when they are remembered, continue to push one up higher. It is those that feel they have pushed you the other way, but have really done you a favor. Not to say it does not hurt at the time, and maybe forever, but the point is, they just make "us" stronger for a lifetime. ;)

Alexis Voltaire said...

@ kissafrog69: Thank you for the advice, I will be considering it.