(From www.marcandangel.com)
Applicable? You bet. My "love life" the past few weeks—even though I am not even close to love, but you know the term—can be summed up in this single life lesson. Things have clearly changed, but I cannot grasp the reason why. The change is so foreign that it's led me to believe there has to be some sort of reason besides the obvious, even though I strongly disbelieve in the idea of things happening for a reason. I am thinking that the reason lies within the minds of the parties involved, that maybe perhaps they have a reason that I just haven't been let in on yet. Regardless, I never expected anything like this to ever happen, and when I say ever, I mean ever. I am surprised everyday when I wake up that my life has become what it has, but it still provides great material for awkward, sometimes depressing jokes about my life that I'm so good at cracking.
I'll be told that I just need to get over the idea of "reasons" because it's juvenile, and I will. I'm done, as I put the period on this sentence. It really is just as simple as that. In any case, my "problems" could always be worse. Depression could cloud my mind that no one finds me attractive, fun, cool, etc., as opposed to just feeling dumb for thinking certain thoughts or being in weird situations every now and then with people I didn't expect. Thus is part of growing into being a real woman, but I'm not going to let myself take the blame for things that just happen to occur. That's a big problem girl's have—they take the blame for just having feelings.
I think I just got a peek at why this will all be worth it.
Life changes every minute of everyday. No one knows what will happen next, the trick is to be on guard and ready to tackle what ever is put in our path. Sometimes it will try to kick our ass, but other times it can be so wonderful in the end. We just have to take everyday and embrace it, wether good or back. The next day you can look at it and think about what happened and make your next step to go on to the next thing. It never stops, but life is a journey, not a desination!
"The next day you can look at it and think about what happened and make your next step to go on to the next thing." Very insightful comment, thank you so much. :)
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