Seeing rated R movies has always been a hot topic in my country with teenagers, simply because you have to be 17 to see them without an adult (and usually, it has to be a parent). At first, it's the irritation that you rarely sneak into these movies successfully before you turn 17, and even if you do you're still mad you had to do so to begin with. Although, let's be honest, it's the law and we should follow it.
For some, the excitement is being able to even see these R rated movies. Some parents don't let their teens see them until they are even old enough to alone. For most of us though we are just glad we can finally see these movies without our parents, may it be alone or with friends. (What's worse than having a date and not being able to see the movie because you're too young-and your date can!?)
I was very excited about being able to see rated R movies without an adult present. This is probably the milestone I was/am most excited for. 18, you're a legal adult, but I'm already treated like one. You can also buy cigarettes, but I don't smoke, and don't ever plan on starting. Among other private things, 18 isn't that big of a deal for me. 21, you get to drink, but I will never drink in life because of my recovery from addiction to self mutilation. On top of all these reasons why 17 could be the only 'cool' milestone left for me, I love movies. I mean love.
While I was in Myrtle Beach earlier this month, I thought I'd test it out, see if they carded me. I went and saw "The Ugly Truth" with my mom, and I made sure I bought the tickets. Of course they didn't ask. Figures. I was quite disappointed.
The other day my dad and I went to go see "The Hurt Locker", and I thought I'd try it out again. Maybe I'd have better luck in my own city. Eureka! I got typical harassment from the ticket seller, she even had someone else inspect my ID to make sure it wasn't a fake. Pretty silly, considering it wasn't. She let me purchase the tickets, and sent me on my way.
Honestly though, being harassed like that just reminded me of all the times they [movie ticket sellers] have before when I really wasn't old enough to see the movies I was trying to get into. The anticipation wore out quick, within the extra seconds it took for the second ticket seller to check out my ID-time I could have spent inside finding a seat or using the restroom before the show-, and now I get irritated when they card me. It's such a bother.
What made me speculate this again was today was Bianca's 17th birthday. So..
I hope it was a good one. :) After she got out of school we went and saw "Inglourious Basterds", directed by Quentin Tarantino ("Pulp Fiction", "Kill Bill", "Deathproof", etc). (No plot spoilers, just general opinion!) I have to say, he's definitely changed up his style a bit in this motion picture, it's a lot more typical 'movie crowd' friendly, meaning a lot more appealing to the general public and not just those that purposely seek out 'film type' motion pictures. However though, his style is definitely present, from the frequently seen random scribbles on the screen pointing out important characters and subtle details to the wacky soundtrack. Other than the countless times Bianca and I shrieked over how crazy the plot was, we also did over how the music added so much to it, even though sometimes it sounded ridiculous regardless of how oddly appropriate it was.
It was definitely not a typical war flick, so don't go into the theater expecting that. There's a lot of character interaction and story-telling going on, but I don't think the average movie-goer would be disappointed. It does have a few gory scenes, even for a war movie, but nothing like you'd see in "Saw" or "Hostel". (Semi-spoilers ahead, but nothing character-specific.) Also surprising, only one short (seconds) sex scene! I believe also only one or two kisses.
Overall it was an amazing film, one of the best I've seen for many reasons. Brad Pitt was really cute too. :) Look, it took me this long to mention him! Haha. :)
So now I want you, the reader of my blog, to tell me about the first time you saw a rated R movie after you turned 17, or if you don't live in the U.S., about the rating ranks in your country! I'd love to hear and learn more about the latter. :)
It's funny, I haven't gone and seen any R-rated movies since I turned 17 way back in January. Partly because most of them are gory and I can barely stand the gore in Disturbia and Pearl Harbor (both of which are only PG-13).
The only R-rated movie I've ever seen was "Not Another Teen Movie." And it wasn't at the theater.
Maybe one day I'll go see an R-rated movie in the theater, but it won't be a violent one, that's for sure! lol
There's always funny movies to see that are rated R and gore-less, like "Funny People" :)
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